How To Be On Time Every Time

In the comments, lapka asked if there were any tricks for people who have a hard time showing up on time, and through a little bit of research and a little bit of self-examination, I think I have some answers. First of all, though, it’s important to see being on time as part of your whole attitude towards time. You’re never going to be on time, every time — whether for appointments, meeting big deadlines, or even to catch a movie — if you haven’t put into practice a set of good time management techniques....

January 23, 2023 · 2 min · 320 words · Hazel Mckenzie

How To Better Yourself

The problem is that we tend to try to better ourselves all at once, rather than concentrate on one important thing at a time, allowing ourselves to build up momentum over months and years. One day at a time turns into a lifetime of change and getting better. We can eventually become a better overall person if we have a day to day plan and stick to it. Here is how to better yourself, one day at a time....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 839 words · Anita Hill

How To Block A Number On Your Phone 5 Best Apps To Do So

While having to block a number is never nice (especially if it belongs to someone that you know), it is relatively easy to achieve this regardless of which mobile service you use. So, here is a breakdown of how to block numbers across multiple device types and operators. How to Block a Number on iOS, Android and Windows Before you seek to block numbers on your smartphone, you can look to impose a general ban by adding your number to the National Do Not Call Registry[1]....

January 23, 2023 · 6 min · 1160 words · Vera Robertson

How To Calm Down Anxiety When Your Brain Is In Overdrive

For example, imagine that while driving you notice another car speeding, looking like it was going to run a stoplight. If you get anxious and experience a “flight or flight” reaction of what could happen, you will react quickly by stepping on the brake and might very well avoid an accident! Although the above example shows that anxiety can be a friend in times of danger, often anxiety is maladaptive when it goes on overdrive long after the threat of danger is over....

January 23, 2023 · 8 min · 1644 words · Emmett Webster

How To Capture An Expert S Value 12 Tips

With my very last presentation I had the pleasure of staying in a magnificent hotel, and part of my fee included an extra night’s stay so that I could end my time with them much more leisurely than I normally have the opportunity to do. Their offer was irresistible to me and I took advantage of it. Smartly, so did they; it was win for both of us. They helped me create a defining moment for them and their company....

January 23, 2023 · 2 min · 360 words · Wilma Ansari

How To Change People S Perception Of You

They think you’re lazy They think you’re unprofessional They think you’re the office clown They think you’re a party guy They think you’re a womanizer They think you’re always late They think you’re unethical They think you’re not a team player How To Change People’s Perception Of You – []

January 23, 2023 · 1 min · 50 words · Roger Gillman

How To Choose A Private Tutor For Your Child

Before you hire a private tutor, ask yourself these three important questions: 1. Is the tutor approachable? One of the most common problems for a student who’s having difficulty with a certain subject is the “fear” of the subject and the subject teacher herself. Rossana Llenado. founder of online tutorial firm Ahead Interactive, notes that one of the main reasons why students can’t keep up with schoolwork is because they’re afraid of their very strict teacher....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 635 words · Arthur Hefty

How To Climb Up Your Career Ladder Faster Than Others In A Big Corporate

Being successful in your career path takes time and grit. It can be a long journey to the top of the corporate ladder. Maintaining drive and creativity when your superiors dictate a project’s direction can be challenging. After you’ve successfully completed a task, you may be pigeonholed into doing to same type of work over and over. Proving your worth is tough when you are not allowed to demonstrate your capacity to take on challenges....

January 23, 2023 · 5 min · 967 words · Edward Anderson

How To Communicate So Your Child Will Listen

If we are consciously aware of the way we communicates with our children, we can increase our chances of being heard. One of the most common mistakes we make is prioritizing what we have to say over what they have to say. So, here’s the trick. If we want our children to listen to us, we have to listen to them first! Of course, we have more experience in life....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 536 words · Jeanne Eiche

How To Cope With The Stages Of Grief And Heal After Loss

A close friend or family member moving away, a divorce or breakup, loss of a job, as well as a number of other life experiences can cause feelings of grief or loss. Coping with loss is one of the most stressful and difficult things we have to deal with in life, but it is an experience everyone can relate to. What Are the Stages of Grief? The five stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—are related to the common emotions we go through when we experience loss....

January 23, 2023 · 5 min · 1020 words · Daniel Ellis

How To Cope With Workplace Stress Effectively

1. Recognize When You’re Stressed Stress can take a number of different forms, both mental and physical. You may be feeling depressed, anxious, or irritable. You may also be tired, scatterbrained, or lacking motivation. Additionally, you might notice some muscle pain, headaches, stomach problems, or a reduced sex drive. If you’re feeling any of these symptoms, ask yourself what could have you stressed. Once you identify your stressor, remember to…...

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 593 words · Anita Vasques

How To Create Killer Questions For Your Interview

You hear the question. Your brain freezes. Yeah you have questions about salary, vacation time and benefits. But you know this isn’t what the employer wants to hear. They’ve just thrown the ball in your court. What do you do? Properly asking questions in interviews can be tough. especially if you’ve spent most of the interview doing your best to give full answers to their questions. As hard as it is, if you can master asking questions in interviews, you’ll be the one directing the interview....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 754 words · Gregory Drumgoole

How To Cut Crutch Words When Giving A Speech

You’ve all seen it before. What would otherwise be a great presentation becomes one interrupted jumble of syllables. Instead of taking those key pauses to let the audience digest, every moment of hesitation is filled with a crutch word. Maybe it happens to you. Eliminating crutch words is one of the fastest ways to improve yourself as a speaker. Not only does it display confidence to your audience, but you become easier to understand as your message gets across....

January 23, 2023 · 2 min · 340 words · Joseph Garrett

How To Deal With Failure And Pick Yourself Back Up

The truth is that failure is never the end of the road. It is simply an indicator that there are some parts of ourselves and our lives that we need to put more effort into in order to get the results that we desire. Are you struggling to overcome failure, rise above it, and seek the path to success? For those who are having difficulty moving past failures, continue reading the article to learn how to deal with failure and pick yourself back up....

January 23, 2023 · 6 min · 1120 words · Eddie Cole

How To Develop A Mindset For Success

Here’s how to develop a mindset for success. 1. Learn to think big In The Magic of Thinking Big, author David Schwartz gives suggestions to help you develop creative power through belief. He writes, “Eliminate the word impossible from your thinking and speaking vocabularies. Impossible is a failure word. The thought ‘It’s impossible’ sets off a chain reaction of other thoughts to prove you’re right.” He then advises us to think of something we’ve been wanting to do but felt we couldn’t, and make a list of the reasons why we can do it....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 763 words · Deborah Walden

How To Embrace The Writer Within

With that said, I don’t believe we need to be so concerned about proper form and using words like “ye” and “thus” (like I did above). And I’m sure there are many English teachers that will hate when I say this, but you no longer have to understand all the little nuances of writing proper English either. So don’t be scared. You Think You’re Not A Writer? Text. Facebook. Twitter....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 507 words · George Roussell

How To Get A Six Pack In One Month

I am not going to sit here and insult everyone’s intelligence and effort by saying everyone is going to be able to pull off a six pack in one month. One month is not long enough for some peoplebecause there are many factors that go into fat loss. Genetics, current weight, current diet, injuries, etc. But, there is not a doubt in my mind that almost anyone could have a six pack....

January 23, 2023 · 5 min · 964 words · Ronald Hickman

How To Get The Important Me Time For Your Happiness Infographic

There is a difference between spending time alone and quality me-time. The former could involve you checking Facebook mindlessly while waiting for your partner in a cafe. The latter could, however, mean you’d be unwinding, doing some deep thinking and rediscovering yourself. It sounds good, doesn’t it? But what if you find it difficult to find the space for yourself? Here are some tips to give you more time to recharge and thrive....

January 23, 2023 · 2 min · 281 words · Daniel Walters

How To Hack Language Learning

There is grammar to master, vocabulary words to memorize, and the culture behind the language that adds context. That’s a tall order. For that reason, so few people actually learn a foreign language. It’s demanding — and lots of people speak English anyway, so it falls off the radar. However, the payoff is huge. Speaking another person’s language creates a bond, and it demonstrates a respect and interest that is compelling....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 752 words · Rita Levy

How To Keep Your Itunes Video Library Organized

Sometimes, I think I’m way too anal about some things. According to some of the comments on my previous posts, you agree. But nothing beats how much of a Nazi I am when it comes to my iTunes library. Sure, I know the clamor is coming; iTunes sucks, use (insert alternative software here) instead. I’m on a Mac as I write this, I own an iPhone and an Apple TV and a few other Macs are planted here and there around the house....

January 23, 2023 · 5 min · 950 words · Richelle Sturdevant