Howto Subscribe To A Google Calendar Using Ical

HOWTO: Subscribe to a Google Calendar using iCal – [The Unofficial Apple Weblog]

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 13 words · Jared Bouldin

I Just Want The Little Things

All meaningful relationships are built on mutual empathy. It is not the big things that you do for me that matters, but those little moments of love, thoughtfulness, and affection that make a relationship fulfilling. You might shower me with diamond necklaces and luxury clothes, but if you forget to wish me on a happy birthday, chances are that the marriage is going downhill. Whether it is sharing the last chocolate left in the fridge or preparing hot coffee when I need an instant recharge, it is these little acts of kindness that ultimately make my day....

January 21, 2023 · 2 min · 257 words · Brandy Willoughby

I Want My Attention Back

Back in those pre-Internet days, I had control over my attention spending without even thinking about it. Yes, I’d watch a few shows (Miami Vice was great), but I could count who and what had dibs on my attention account easily. Then the Internet happened. It started oh so slowly – oh look, someone has sent me an email, cool! Then the World Wide Web and one page of What’s New on Netscape’s Home Page....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 705 words · Donna Vanpelt

If You Really Love Don T Just Text It S Just Like Cheating

However, no matter interconnected we are digitally, the ease of information sharing and instant communication can place a wedge between couples that we shouldn’t ignore. It’s common to text someone you care about all day, and how couldn’t you? With the aforementioned ease in which we communicate, combined with the simple fact that you’re thinking about them, you’d have to be some sort of tenured Buddhist monk to have the self-restraint not to say something....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 825 words · Samuel Clynes

If You Want A Successful Life Be Determined About What You Want First

Here’s some ideas that will help you to hone in on what it is you really want, and how to get it. Because life is worth living when we’re psyched to be chasing our dreams. As Joseph Campbell said, “follow your bliss“; you will discover a life full of passion, drive, and most importantly, joy. Become who you want to be, instead of just doing what you think you ought to do The only way you will be able to truly follow your desires is by living them....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 779 words · Steven Cogar

If You Want An Invincible Team Make Them Feel Safe

Members of your team rarely attend meetings, and if they do seem to be uninspired or lacking in energy. This can render meeting utterly useless. You may find that your team has trouble coming up with any new, interesting, or alternative ideas or solutions. There may be a real lack of critical thinking in your team. This can kill productivity. During meetings or discussions, some members may remain quiet, or if they do speak may allude to there being a problem somewhere,but never specify what it is....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 999 words · Theresa Wynne

If You Want Better Mental Health You Should Use Your Journal In This Way

Many of us might have started writing a journal some time or the other, only to let it slide whenever times becomes harder. But with a bullet journal – all it takes is 10 minutes to let out those emotions, keep a track of physical fitness and plan your days, weeks and months in advance! What is a Bullet Journal? It may sound a bit complicated and tough – but a bullet journal is simply a bulleted version of a Dear Diary, with the added benefit of it also being a planner and a to-do list....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 609 words · Alicia Teague

If You Want To Be An Effective Learner You Need To Develop These 4 Skills

So, the question becomes, how do you become an effective learner and expand your horizons? 1. Assess the value of what you are considering learning Assessment is a very important first step. Learning something new requires the expenditure of time, attention, effort, and energy, and in most cases, money as well. Before you invest in learning something new, determine if it is something worth your effort. Two questions you should ask yourself: Sometimes, we lie to ourselves about what we want, or we think we want what others have....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 433 words · Bertha Mcallister

If You Want To Be More Productive You Need To Stop Work From Expanding

In this post, we will talk about the importance of mind-set and how you can become more productive when completing non time-sensitive tasks. Parkinson’s Law: work expands when your give it too much time The key to improving your productivity and avoiding procrastination is to understand Parkinson’s Law, which is an old adage which declares that ‘work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion’. It is a psychological principle that has inspired numerous studies and pieces of literature, and one that underlines the potential dangers of setting arbitrary time-frames that have little or no bearing on the task in hand....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 553 words · John Dunlap

If You Want To Be Successful Stop Trying To Please Everybody

They say curiosity kills the cat. In a sense, that is true. Every time we make a decision, we constantly question ourselves, “what if we did it the other way round?”. We initiate battles within ourselves, leading us to be miserable no matter what we chose or did in the end. Perhaps it comes with experience, but as I grew up, I began to realize that many of these battles began because we weren’t choosing the option we really wanted....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 598 words · Edward Bowie

If You Want To Focus More Never Try Harder Science Says

The Study In 1996, Roy Baumeister together with his Case Western Reserve University colleagues examined the workings of willpower. To do so they created an experiment that was somewhat cruel. They engaged participants in a food challenge that aimed to deplete the participants’ will power. The experiment involved 67 study participants. The participants were led into a room that had the aroma of freshly baked chocolate cookies. The actual cookies and other chocolate-flavored confectionary were then brought into the room....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 473 words · Keith Munter

Interview Tips From An Experienced Recruiter

Interview tips from an experienced recruiter – []

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 8 words · Allan Legrand

Is Your Morning Fix Of Coffee Unhealthy

Oh guys. If you’re a fellow coffee lover then you probably know by now that caffeine has some negative attributes, some that definitely does not flips table may possibly outweigh that great kickstart it gives to your day. From entertainment news site, the infographic above details almost everything you need to know about your possibly worrying caffeine addiction. From the amount of calories in your Starbucks, Costa or Insomnia (which I’ve never heard of?...

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 112 words · Steven Harris

Just How Much Of This Is Too Much

The New York Post published an article titled Exactly how much coffee is too much coffee, highlighting the topic of drinking too much coffee without actually realising it. How much you can take depends on your tolerance level As everyone has different tolerance levels, some might be a lot more sensitive to caffeine intake, compared to others. For the average person, it would be advised to keep caffeine consumption below 500 milligrams, which is equivalent to 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day, with a couple more cups of tea on the side....

January 21, 2023 · 2 min · 265 words · Frances Kaufman

Keeping Friendships For Life And Beyond

Then, of course, there was that dorky friend, jokes so bad they made you want to cry but got you through your difficult high school years. You still remember a few of those horrible jokes and giggle, don’t you? First friend number two. Along the years we all have had those friends. The ones who stalk your crushes with more enthusiasm than you, roll their eyes at the exact same time you do, treat your gossip with the same seriousness that Obama brings to world affairs, turn violently abusive towards people just because you mildly dislike them and shower you with unsolicited advice to the point that you want to scream....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 871 words · Douglas Cuevas

Kick Email To The Curb And Get Things Done With Asana And Inbox

Well, you don’t need to imagine that anymore. Because today the popular collaborative task management solution Asana has delivered it in the form of Inbox. The goal of Inbox is to “push team communication further into the post-email world”. Many individuals and organizations are far too reliant on email applications and services as task management solutions. With Inbox, the team at Asana looks to treat email as it was initially intended – as a means to communicate....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 510 words · Geoffrey Ruiz

Leaflets And Brochures Are Still A Simple And Effective Way To Promote Your Business

Interestingly, nowadays almost every organization uses its own official website to promote its business, but there are still lots of methods that, despite being conventional, have not lost their relevance. Although this might sound surprising to most of people, it is true that despite promoting business through various online platforms, there are lots of other methods that are cost-effective and helpful in business promotion among the masses in the most impressive way....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 614 words · Katrina Eubanks

Leave Your Charging Cable At Home And Live Simple

Carrying around a charging cable and adapter can be annoying; they’re bulky and easy to forget at home. With Nomad’s portable ChargeCard and ChargeKey, you never have to worry about leaving your charging cable at home again; you’ll always have a charging device with you – either in your wallet or on your keychain. Just plug one end into a USB port on your laptop or car adapter and the other into your device, and you’re good to go....

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 197 words · Robert Stewart

Lessons On Success And Deliberate Practice From Mozart Picasso And Kobe Bryant

That’s what John Hayes, a cognitive psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University, wanted to know. For decades, Hayes has been investigating the role of effort, practice, and knowledge in top performers. He has studied the most talented creators in history–people like Mozart and Picasso–to determine how long it took them to become world class at their craft. Furthermore, he investigated the choices and experiences that have led to their success....

January 21, 2023 · 8 min · 1541 words · Matthew Lambert

Let Go Of Negative Thoughts In 5 Inspirational Steps

If you are one of those whose daily conversations turn up like this, then BEWARE! You are a victim of Negative Thinking. Not only you, there are lots of negative thinkers around the world (including myself). But don’t worry; we are here to expel these unwanted shadows from your mind. 1. Stop thinking in EXTREME moments The eternal truth of life is that nothing is black or white, or this or that....

January 21, 2023 · 2 min · 269 words · Samuel Barrientos