How To Improve Impulse Control For More Success With Simple Tips

No one begins their life with good impulse control as it is a learned behavior. The ability to resist acting on something you want immediately, even when the consequences are very negative, can take years to develop. Our advanced technological world makes this even more difficult to obtain. So, many things are now fast and easy to obtain: instant credit, fast food, feelings of success via video games, instant celebrity on YouTube or reality television, not to mention medication and illegal drugs....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 748 words · Michael Fuentes

How To Improve Listening Skills For Effective Workplace Communication

The workplace of the 21st century may not look the same as it did before COVID-19 spread throughout the world like wildfire, but that doesn’t mean you can relax your standards at work. If anything, Zoom meetings, conference calls, and the continuous time spent behind a screen have created a higher level of expectations for meeting etiquette and communication. And this goes further than simply muting your microphone during a meeting....

January 20, 2023 · 8 min · 1623 words · Sally Cornely

How To Instantly Fall In Love With Moving And Start Shaking Off The Extra Pounds

These figures are sobering. Many of us struggle with our weight and activity levels, largely because we are an especially work-obsessed nation. And yet it’s important to our physical and mental health, to our relationships with others, and our overall sense of well-being to be active. We all know this, but how do we actually put our intentions into actions? It might be easier than you think. Measure, measure, measure....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 846 words · Donald Lites

How To Maintain Your Productivity Throughout The Holiday Season

But you don’t have to throw up your hands in defeat. There are some very simple steps you can take to keep moving forward while in the midst of holiday chaos. Be reasonable about your expectations Accept that your time may be more limited due to holiday obligations or time off. Don’t schedule more than you can reasonably fit into your calendar. And don’t take on anything new unless you’re trying drive yourself into an overwhelmed, overstretched, stressed out state or have been secretly dying to experience burnout....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 554 words · Joan Brightharp

How To Make Someone Who S Angry At You Suddenly Become Nice

4 Steps to Fix the Situation Every situation is unique and you’ll have to determine how to best approach an angry person in the moment. However, in most cases, the following tips and techniques apply. 1. Don’t Retaliate The number one rule is to avoid retaliation. No matter what someone does, you can’t attack back. This will only make the person angrier. A common example of this is when someone gets angry and cuts you off in traffic because you’ve been driving slower than they’d like....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 429 words · Clarence Charron

How To Make Your Day Last Longer

No matter what your social status, how much money you have and how many people you know, every day your wallet of time is refilled with 24 hours to spend. How you are going to consume it depends on you. Think for a second about all the moments in your life that gave you the most satisfaction. What was it that made it feel this way? Was it specific people, or maybe the thing you were doing?...

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 604 words · Germaine Cline

How To Make Your Own Standing Desk And Save 600

More and more standing desk alternatives have hit the market, but the costs still hover in the several-hundred-dollar range. I knew there had to be a way to drive down the price, and in less than 30 minutes, I figured out the solution that I’m going to share with you here today. Here, I’m going to show you how you can make a standing desk in 30 minutes for less than $20....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 548 words · Natasha Rabago

How To Not Let The Ache At Your Lower Back Affects Your Work Performance

If you’ve ever gotten up from your desk with a stiff and achy back, you know how miserable and crippling back pain can be. Office workers may not be doing as much heavy-lifting as a manual laborer, but they definitely don’t get off the hook when it comes to aches and pains. Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide and the second most-commonly treated medical problem in the United States....

January 20, 2023 · 7 min · 1312 words · Cesar Rittenhouse

How To Pay Off Student Loans Within 6 Months Of Graduating

Fast-forward to today and graduates are forced to make decisions within financial constraints. For example, someone graduating with 40k in debt might move in with their parents to save money on rent. While this decision is fiscally responsible, it can impact one’s career trajectory. A lot of smart people credit their career success to having optimized learning early on in their careers. There are two ways to pay back loans....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 576 words · Gloria Gilbert

How To Prevent Dns Leaks When Using A Vpn

When you use a VPN (virtual private network), the request is sent to an anonymous DNS server through the VPN and not directly through the browser, making sure that the ISP is not monitoring the connection. Sometimes browsers will ignore the use of a VPN and will send the DNS request right to the ISP. This is called a DNS leak and will lead someone to believe that they are staying anonymous when in reality they are not....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 523 words · Mildred Roberts

How To Push Yourself Out Of Your Comfort Zone

However, learning to push those boundaries for yourself is helpful for advancing and succeeding both in your career and your personal life. If you don’t know how to begin taking healthy steps to leave your comfort zone, here are some tips on things you can do that will encourage you to take risks and learn to embrace uncertainty. Featured photo credit: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone/Rappler via

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 69 words · Jennifer Clifford

How To Raise The Odds That It S Going To Be A Fantastic Day

This is my 100th article for That set my mind thinking about beginnings and endings. Last week, I wrote about how to leave work gracefully, so it seems natural to follow that by considering how to start your working day on a truly positive note. The way that you start the day nearly always sets the tone for the rest of it. If you begin in a rush, feeling frazzled and harassed, it’s very likely that the rest of the day will go the same way—or worse....

January 20, 2023 · 6 min · 1140 words · Amy Bauman

How To Ruin Your Career In Five Easy Steps

Unless you’re doing research for a book entitled “How to Lose Your Job in Ten Days.” If you are some of the following may be some great information gathering techniques. You got the job because the boss thought you could contribute. Translation, you potentially have a mutually profitable future. Be passionate about your job and take pride in doing it well. 2. Make it all about the money. Be a clock watcher and you’ll be sure to destroy any chance of advancement....

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 177 words · Andrea Cogdill

How To Ruthlessly Block Distractions At Work

Every morning before starting to work, you have to remind yourself why you’re in that office doing what you do. If you’re clear with your purpose, even the strongest distractions can vanish into thin air once you remind yourself about it. Another step you can take especially when you need to concentrate is to put up a DND sign on your desk. A do not disturb sign will warn your co-workers you can’t talk in that particular period....

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 137 words · Barbara Stoddard

How To Separate Egg Yolks Using A Water Bottle

You won’t believe how quick and easy it is to completely separate egg yolks using just a water water. In the video, you’ll see that 5 egg yolks are separated perfectly in under a minute – almost like magic. Do you think that you can do it even faster? What method do you use to separate egg yolks from the white when cooking? If you think this method is even better, be sure to share the video....

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 93 words · Christina Nelson

How To Set Goals Effectively And Grow Continuously

More Tips for Setting Goals Smartly How Does Setting Goals Lead to Success? 15 Powerful Tools For Goal Setting 20 Examples of Personal SMART Goals To Improve Your Life title: “How To Set Goals Effectively And Grow Continuously” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-20” author: “Glenda Kowal” More Tips for Setting Goals Smartly How Does Setting Goals Lead to Success? 15 Powerful Tools For Goal Setting 20 Examples of Personal SMART Goals To Improve Your Life

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 74 words · Anthony Erickson

How To Simply Poach An Egg Perfectly

One of the keys of a poached egg is to remove the liquid whites, which is most easily down through the fine mesh strainer. Swirl the egg gently and the liquid whites will run off and leave you with a solid egg to work your magic. When you have brought your water to 180 degrees F, gently lower the strainer into the pot and keep them moving for 3-4 minutes....

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 108 words · Inez Baxter

How To Stop Worrying

Very interesting article (with fun site design). Worth a read. This deceptively simple technique is effective because it bypasses the psychological obstacles mentioned above. Your mind is “fooled” into thinking that you haven’t given up worrying. Meanwhile, you lose the habit of worrying in the present moment… How to Stop Worrying – [Anxiety Culture]

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 54 words · Thomas Garnett

How To Take Risks Without Betting Your Business

Real messy. Especially when you want the risks you do take to pay off — big! Most of the time, if we’re honest with ourselves . . . we don’t want to take any risks. We just want to create things and have people buy our stuff. But it doesn’t work like that, does it? Running your own business you’re most likely playing to win. Although we may not come out on top all of the time, we can limit our risks significantly....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 662 words · Hilda Bueti

How To Talk When Talking Seems Impossible

It’s tempting to ignore them. You might also say something like “leave me alone,” or “I don’t need you”. These are natural responses to the nagging individual but these could be things that you’d regret saying. Either way, you usually end up inflicting harm when you can’t figure out how to express yourself. Innocent Words Become Murderers When couples are dealing with negative emotions, they have a hard time conveying their feelings in a loving manner....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 671 words · Darlene Snow