San Francisco-based infographic authors Funders and Founders have created the above infographic that showcases some of the most famous people on Earth who didn’t achieve success until later in their lifetimes. These individuals may not have started young, but they sure did get far. Actor Alan Rickman didn’t get a role in a film until he was 28, famous fashion designer Vera Wang didn’t write about fashion until she turned 39, and Van Gogh didn’t paint until he was 27. The term ‘late bloomer’ is a bit trite and suggests there is a time limit for when we can truly blossom into who we are supposed to be. This isn’t the case at all, as shown by this infographic; we have all the time in the world and we can achieve success at any age. Late Bloomers – Late In Life Success | Funders And Founders Featured photo credit: mirror of erised via