It’s probably no secret to you. Some people were born with good DNA. Nothing they ever do seems to have any negative implications on their physique. They eat what they want, their training programs seem to be haphazard and yet they still have the body of an all star athlete. How can this be? It’s all in your genes. Take a look at your parents. Chances are you have a similar body type to the ones they had during they’re years growing up. Does this mean you should blame your parents for that spare tire you have around your waste. The answer is, maybe. Let’s take a look at the three main body types. Ectomorph – The Skinny Geek; no matter how much he eats and eats he never seems to gain any weight. He can spend hours at the gym every week with very little muscle to show for his efforts. This body type is typically built for running long marathons and swimming. It’s the light frame and the lack of dense muscle that allows them to be light on their feet and in the water. Endomorph – The Fat Geek; from day one this poor soul has it rough. Dieting has minimal effects and the endless hours of cardio performed seem to be taking him nowhere fast. His body type was built for the couch. On a positive note, his slow metabolism would allow him to survive longer than his skinny counterpart if they were ever trapped on a desert island without food. Mesomorph – The Lucky Bastard; this guy doesn’t need to do much to see results in the gym. Body fat melts off him like it does bacon in a frying pan. Just looking at dumbbells can pack pounds of lean muscle on his already stone cut physique. This body was built for speed and sport. Well since you cannot pick who your parents are what is there to do about it? Before beginning any type of fitness routine it is important to understand who you are and what you’re made of. You’re going to need the stones to stand up to your own DNA. Understand that there is no magic workout or exercise. If you train like Matthew McConaughey you will not look like Matthew McConaughey. On the other hand this does not mean you cannot do anything about it. It does however mean you will have to work harder than someone who may have drawn the long end of the straw in the genes department. When you get right down to it your success in the gym has to do with the amount of intensity you put into it. Follow this with some perseverance and hard work. Become relentless in your quest to beat your genetics and you will someday do it.