Talking about artistry, I personally find it a real treat whenever there are several things I could try for the first time to boost my ingenuity. New things always thrill me. See if you’ll feel the same when you try the suggestions mentioned in the featured infographic. Check if some, or maybe all of them, actually work. One of the ways to stimulate your creativity is to do things in a totally different way. We, humans, tend to develop routines, and we naturaly gravitate towards doing the same things over and over again. Yep, we are routine freaks! We become accustomed to the steps we take to accomplish things, so much so that we don’t want to change the status quo in order not to disrupt the natural flow of things. Regretfully, this tendency will make your work stale overtime. So how do you counter this boring familiarity? To awaken creative fuels from their slumber, go against the tide. Completely alter routines. See if this will not spark a fire in your creative ability. The infographic on spotlight is designed by Oscar, developed by Gonzalo Gomez Rufino, and published by Shout Marketing.
Simple Ideas to Stimulate Creativity |