Unless you’re doing research for a book entitled “How to Lose Your Job in Ten Days.” If you are some of the following may be some great information gathering techniques. You got the job because the boss thought you could contribute. Translation, you potentially have a mutually profitable future. Be passionate about your job and take pride in doing it well. 2. Make it all about the money. Be a clock watcher and you’ll be sure to destroy any chance of advancement. 3. Pass the scuttle butt. Engage in endless chitchat and gossip. The boss will definitely notice all your time off task. 4. Blow off deadlines. You are part of a larger operation. When you drop the ball the whole team loses yardage. 5. Vacation on the job. Privacy at work is a myth. Engage in long personal calls. Spend lots of time in chat rooms. Work on your blog at the office. Any of these should get you on the short-timers list and quick. Reg Adkins writes on behavior and the human experience at (elementaltruths.blogspot.com).