Sometimes it’s understandable, like having someone close to you die and then going through the mourning process. During those times, I say it’s best to let the process do what it does and try not to shut out any emotions and just allow yourself to feel and heal. There are those other times of hardship that come around far more often; the ones that keep coming back, restarting the cycle of anger sadness, and guilt all over again. They don’t have to go in that order obviously, but it’s usually the same process. Something happens to you—could be abruptly or over time—and then you become sucked into this hole of darkness and suffering. And by that, of course I’m talking about the negative emotions leading your mind.

Down in a Hole

Since you’re basically stuck inside this spinning course of emotions, it’s best to figure out a way to slow it down, before you just try to bring it to a sudden stop. In other words, when you’re feeling down and out, a little angry, or bad about something that happened, slow your mind down and let the emotion soak in for a bit before you do anything.

Slow your Mind

Why do anger, guilt, and sadness go together so well? It’s definitely not for the pure joy of torturing you when rough times hit. It’s because they are all negative feelings. When things don’t go well, bad feelings take over. They aren’t any fun. No one really wants them around, but what can you do?

Change your Perception

You can understand that it’s the perception you have of the reality which stands before you that determines just how consumed you are liable to become in the negative emotions. Your perception, or the way you view the world around you, is unique. Everything you’ve gone through and experienced has shaped how you look at the world up to this point. If you’re stuck in a continuous cycle of negative thoughts and emotions, the perception you have of reality isn’t going to be a very good one. Not when you feel like it’s just you against the world. Not when your world is crumbling down around you and you don’t know how to stop it.

But Not Out

You can stop it! In fact, you can actually do more that that: you can change the way you view the world in a way that not only lets you stop feeling so low, but helps you change the way you look at the world and situation in general. In a way where you are in control, not the negative emotions. Through your beliefs, outlook, experience, knowledge, and desires, you have the ability to alter your perception of reality to one that turns sadness, guilt, and anger into compassion, courage, and fulfillment. To turn negative emotions into a positive reaction. Here are a couple of ways to change your perception:

Dive deep

Go deep within the ocean of your inner existence, your memories, your values, your beliefs, your hopes, your dreams, your higher consciousness and discover who you truly are. It’s amazing how much perspective and clarity you can gain in the worst of times.

Grow up

Let go of all thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that bring you negative emotions. Start to explore the inner you. Stop thinking for a minute and just be with yourself. Be present in the moment, listen to your inner voice and learn. Use the knowledge that’s out there in the land of Lifehack to help you grow.


If you have taken any decent amount of time and effort to look within yourself and explore the depths at which you can go, you may already believe. Believe in what? Believing in something’s better than believing in nothing. My grandma always said, a fella ought to believe in something, and it’s true. Having belief in something greater than yourself can help you understand, progress, and move past being caught up in any cycle of negativeness.

Live Openly and Authentically

Live for something that gives you purpose and a greater meaning. Having something to believe in, something that brings you purpose, helps you to consciously move forward. It gives you something to strive for and thus something to look forward to, which will aid in your positivity, happiness, and overall fulfillment. Being authentic means to be of a higher morality. Do good and put good into the world. Wear your heart on your sleeve so you have nothing to hide. Let yourself out of your cocoon of false-fed beliefs and fly with your arms wide open into the land of unlimited possibilities. Stopping the cycle of anger, sadness, and guilt when hit with hardships is not the easiest of tasks, but it’s a lot easier if you start truly living and become fully alive. Growing, learning, and just being on a purposeful journey can help stop a lot of the hardships from looking like “hardships”. If you change the way you see it, you can change the way it is. The next time you get mad, remember that you have a choice. You can choose to be mad or you can choose to let go. The next time you feel sad, remember that it’s okay to be sad, but you have a choice. You can be sad, or you can find courage and strength to move forward. The next time you feel guilt, remember that you can choose to sulk, or you can do something to redeem yourself and feel fulfillment. You can change anything. Featured photo credit: engin akyurt via