Common misconceptions regarding us weird sisters are long: weird sisters are awfully hard to communicate and live with, they are super annoying, they don’t have a life, and they have what we say “serious problems.” Let us mention some of the greatest advantages of having a weird sister, even though you may feel that you are unlucky to have one. You my friend, are extremely lucky! Hold on to your weird sister! A weird sister is for keeps!

1. We can sense as soon as you are sad, mad, or angry

When my brother is not as happy or jovial as he usually is, you will be surprised that I can tell that something is going wrong. Even if my mom or dad think that he is alright or just tired, I know that there is something going on that is upsetting him. I know all those weird sisters out there can completely agree with me and this is our plus point.

2. We spend the greatest amount of time with you or the ones we love

I love my brother with all my heart. He is two years older than me, and he has been there with me, grown up with me, and has been there with me in my toughest, hardest, and most gruelling times. So, my love for him boils down to the time I spend with him.

3. We will find a way to make you laugh, smile, or cry

Sitting while watching television, trying to make food in the kitchen, or just doing nothing, turns into something laughter filled and extremely interesting. My brother knows this as I can turn the most blatant situations to be more happy and relaxing. I’ll say something stupid or I’ll just change my voice to be a character from a cartoon or film. I’ll do something to break the ice.

4. We hold on to your hand (especially you brothers out there) to show that we care

I know my brother hates this. He isn’t one to show emotions, but I will hold on to his hand to show that I care for him. My brother screams, “Don’t touch me” but let me tell you this, I bet this relaxes them. They might just be thanking you from the inside.

5. We love our weirdness as we know you do too deep down inside

Brothers, like my brother, show that they have the world’s most annoying sister alive, but they love their sister for who she is because she is so different from the rest of the people in the universe. She makes you laugh, smile, and makes you forget all your life’s problems. You love that because she lets you be just you.

6. We don’t want to fit into the crowd, but we want to be our own little selves to show that we are real and proud to be real

As a  weird sister, I’d like to end on this note. Don’t try to conform us to other sisters, because we will be heart-broken. Let us be our true selves. We want to be who we are. We do not want to change just because you say to change or someone else says to change ourselves. We love our uniqueness and unusualness. That makes us, us! Featured photo credit: Hayley Adminston via

title: “If You Have A Weird Sister Never Leave Her Alone” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-30” author: “Mark Schwartz”

If you have a weird sister, you have a life-long friend, a partner-in-crime and someone who totally gets it when your parents do bizarre things. Here are eight reasons you should never leave her alone:

1. They Don’t Expect You to Be Perfect

The best thing about having a weird sister is that she accepts that she is imperfect and does not expect you to be perfect. She does not care when you mess up or make a choice that she disagrees with. She encourages you to take risks, even when failure is highly likely. In fact, it is better if you’re not perfect. Then, no one will try to compare the two of you. You’ll both be free to make your own mistakes and learn from them without living in the other’s shadow.

2. They Are Unique and Cannot Be Replaced

You’ll spend your life waiting for that one person who is like no one else. You’ll wait and search and occasionally find a person who you think might be the one. However, you’re more often than not disappointed by the person that once held so much potential. But the truth is if you have a weird sister, there’s no need to look further. You already found the person in your life who can never be replaced.

3. They Encourage You to Be Yourself

She will be herself almost 100% of the time. Living with that is infuriating until you realize that if she can do it, so can you.

4. They Don’t Care What People Think About Them

She is herself because she doesn’t care what people think about her. She can be who she wants, do what she wants and act how she wants because she couldn’t care less about what anyone thinks. She is liberated and free. However, she’ll still need her sister when someone gets through her armor.

5. They’ll Take Your Weird Ideas and Make Them Weirder

Weird people don’t necessarily have to make normal things weird. But they can encourage you to make weird things weirder. If you casually suggest a road trip, they’ll have you in a car travelling Route 66 in no time. When you have a weird sister, you can feed on each other’s weirdness and find the true limits of your imagination.

6. They Don’t Care About Daily Drama

She’s thoughtful and creative and kind of weird. But she doesn’t care if you stole her shirt. She doesn’t care if you don’t agree with her choices. You know that if you have a weird sister, you’re not going to fight about the petty things and if you do fight, it is a fight worth having.

7. They Made You Who You Are

Your sister literally helped make you into the person you are. They were there as you grew and developed and much of your childhood was spent reacting to them. You can thank them for helping to foster the best parts of your personality.

8. They Understand Pretty Much Everything

Weird sisters are not closed minded. You can say the weirdest things to them and even if they don’t actually get it, they still get where you’re coming from. That kind of validation is essential on days where you’re pretty sure you’re losing your mind. The truth is there is nothing better than having a sister; unless, you have a weird sister. Then, you’ve won the sibling lottery. Featured photo credit: Josh Felise via