Because the end of the year isn’t busy enough, this week is launching a new podcast series, Lifehack Live. Every week, we’ll be discussing personal development, productivity, organization, and creativity with our guests — and with you! Lifehack Live is recorded using the BlogTalkRadio system, which allows us to broadcast a live stream during the show, and take callers while we’re recording. It’s going to take us a few episodes to get to the point where we’re ready to take callers, though. At the moment, we haven’t settled on a fixed time to broadcast, either. But as we get the kinks worked out, we’ll open up the show so that you, the community, can take part and share your thoughts. For our first episode, I talked with Lisa Gates of Design Your Writing Life and a new contributor to Lisa is a coach and completion catalyst, who works with writers and others to help them figure out why they aren’t finishing the big projects in their lives and how they can get to Done. Lisa and I discussed procrastination and the creative process, the “beasts” that haunt creative workers, and comedy and improvisation. Keep reading to keep up with future episodes, and also be sure to check out our other podcast, Tony Clark’s Trial By Fire series.