These inspiring movies have made me a better person, often helping me believe in myself and look for the bright side no matter what is happening in my life.

1. Yes Man: Take your life easy.

We are so tired of our lives, of duties of never ending stress that without thinking, often the first answer to anything is NO. Take a life a bit easier, lighter and say YES to all opportunities which come along.

2. Me Again: Your life is all about the choices you make.

People always want something else, but not what they have. At one point they forget that is it what they have chosen a while ago and it is given to them to have the lesson of life and grow within. This movie gives an opportunity to look how it would be if it would turned out differently. To see the life from other’s point of you and realize you can be happy with all you have, it is just your choice.

3. A Thousand Words: What you say do matter.

We are used to doing anything to get what we want. We often say words without meaning and sense just to make the mask we wear more real. This movie will make you think about what you haven’t said and when have said too much.

4. Peaceful Warrior: Sometimes, you need to listen to your heart.

When you think you have everything you need and want, when you think you are happy and successful and there is nothing else but you in the world, you will lose it all to realize how little you know about life. This movie will make you stop whatever you are doing, stop pretending and finally listen to yourself, not your thoughts, but your heart. It will make you start thinking what you want and how to do it without looking at what you can’t or what is wrong. Dan Millman: Let me guess, and you want me to believe yours. Socrates: No, I want you to stop gathering information from the outside and start gathering it from the inside.”

5.Rise of the Guardians: Believe in yourself.

There are always questions – Who I am? What I want to be? How to be the way I am with all what is given to me? This movie is about fear and faith. Believing in and accepting yourself. Watch this movie if you have lost faith in yourself or you want remind yourself – everything is connected.

6. Like Stars on Earth: You’re unique for sure.

Bollywood movie about an 8 year old boy who is a bit different from others. His imagination let him see the world full with miracles and wonders. How can you put kid in frames and your borders if there are no borders in Universe. Movie to realise that each of us is unique and to let shine our best part we need to find a different approach. Movie that will make you to look different to your kids, to other people and yourself.

7. August Rush: Keep the faith.

“All you have to do, is to open yourself up….and listen.” All what is given to you is to come back to yourself, to Universe and source of life. Gentle touch of music, love and fulfilment deep as light in your Soul.

8. A Little Princess: Never stop imagining.

Maybe a bit girly movie, but beautiful in its own way. About imagination and that everything can become true if you believe in it. It is easy to keep faith and joy of life when you live in comfort and secure, but if your life changes in a minute, would you keep your believe in good and your kind attitude or you will brake and start blaming others. A movie about faith.

9. The Ultimate Gift: Have a dream.

When all you have is so used and you have got it without and effort only taking all of it away can learn you to appreciate and start learning to live and share.

10. The Ramen Girl: Live your own life.

Whatever you do, put there all your life and heart. Don’t separate yourself from your past, present and future. it is all here, in this very moment, when you honestly share it, you let others feel one part of the Universe and meet their own hidden being.

11. Fireproof: Keep learning.

Look at this as a movie about relationship and how less energy we spend on making our relationships better, but concentrating more on our anger, dislikes, others’ imperfection. The life is not about achieving something and than enjoying the results, it is about keep moving and getting to know better yourself and others to be able to give the best to the World.

12. The Pursuit of Happyness: Take action.

A touching and inspiring movie based on true story. You have a choice to be stuck where you are and keep complaining or take your life in your hands, decide where you wanna be and no matter what is happening here and now, keep moving towards your goal. See the clear steps and without looking around or back, or let others’ success or troubles make you doubt about yourself.

13. The Intouchables: Be honest.

What is your first reaction when you see somebody who has any kind of disabilities? Pity …..? But what they really want to have is the same attitude, acceptance and not reminding that they are different, it is just our eyes what see, but deep inside, they are a unique part of Universe as all of us, they have Soul, mind, Body, spirit….dreams, will and love above all of it. We are so used to wear masks, to pretend, we don’t know how to be honest and that honesty is what makes things real and filled with love.

14. Life of Pi: Be humble.

Movie which has so many levels and how you see it will depend on your consciousness and openness. The story about how young boy survived in the ocean with tiger. Does the tiger symbolise his Ego? Imagination? Movie which makes you think. With beautiful views and music. Learn to let it go, to forgive, be humble and stand up for yourself.

15. Grace of Monaco: Stay strong.

Put other’s life, love and harmony in first place and not to think what you want. Be strong and change yourself to change the world towards love and harmony.

16. The Angriest Man in Brooklyn: Change to love, not to hate.

It is a chance to see how we seamlessly get angry and dissatisfied about our life and ourselves and start loosing love and kindness to outer world. To look at our rush and stress and think how much we do to change it or letting it ruin our life step by step. Aaron Altmann: Like? Sharon Gill: Anger. Aaron Altmann: And you’ve met my brother?” No matter what you do always is question how you do it. May each moment inspire you to become a better person and to see yourself without masks. Enjoy watching! Featured photo credit: Tech Daily via

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