Online Relaxation Exercises

Is it what you want to do when you are going to vacation? I know you probably want to do this to relax yourself. But you don’t have to wait for your holiday to come to get relaxed. Georgia Southern Counseling and Career Development Center has a bunch of online relaxation exercises you can download and listen to it. For instance, there are audios on Diaphragmatic Breathing, Deep Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Guided Imagery: The Beach, Guided Imagery: The Forest, Relaxing Phrases, and Mindfulness Meditations....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 157 words · Gerardo Hopper

Open Source Life How The Open Movement Will Change Everything

Sure, these companies still exist, but their customer base is rapidly shrinking as more and more people would rather go with Wikipedia — it’s free, it’s easy to use, and it’s much, much more up-to-date. This is but one example of how the concept of open source has changed our lives already. Over the next 10 years or so, we’ll be seeing many more examples, and the effects could change just about every aspect of our lives....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 996 words · Louise Johnson

People Who Learn 10 Times Faster Know These 5 Techniques

1. Measure a smaller unit of success Let’s be honest, when it comes to learning new things it isn’t always a breeze. You start reading information and a few times you probably comes across something that confuses you or is an area of difficulty. No matter what you do, you just can’t seem to find a way to get yourself to learn the mater. Your first reaction may be to try and figure out what you don’t understand all at once....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 642 words · Charles Ballard

Present Like A Rockstar

Presenting can be scary to many people, and for others, it comes quiet naturally, but even the best presenters have to break free from their “tried and true” methods and shake up their audience. You know who understands this very well? You know who can change up their act and get people moving? Rockstars! Disclosure: I wrote about this way back in February 2006, too. Guess it’s on my mind again....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 855 words · Candice Eggimann

Pressing This Button On Your Body Can Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Traditional Chinese medicine follows the belief that every person has specific acupressure points all across the body that lie along what’s called energy meridians. A person’s life force, or qi, flows through these energy points and acupressure will help stimulate them if they aren’t functioning up to par. Chinese theory identifies 12 of these energy meridians that connect major organs and keep the body balanced. When one of these energy points aren’t working properly, your body won’t work properly either....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 552 words · John Santana

Productivity Hacks Of 8 Famous Thinkers And Leaders

How did they do it? What superhuman traits did these super-productive few wield that we can learn from? For the most part, nothing that you and I can’t put to use on our own on a daily basis, though there are more than a few unexpected hacks that can supercharge your productivity in ways you might not expect. Here are 8 such hacks and the famous men and women who used them to do all the amazing things they did....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 912 words · Pamela Rivas

Productivity Karma Be Good Or Your Actions Will Come Back To Bite You

Often when an individual decides to fix up that area of their life that has to do with getting things done, they make extensive changes to themselves; the way they act, the way the run their lives, the way they behave and communicate with others. And sometimes, the “productivity machine” — that is, the massive industry out there that promises to tell you how to solve all your problems with time and tasks — turns these people from happy, friendly people, into… well, I’m sure that kind of language is uncalled for here....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 958 words · Jeremiah Messer

Protip Mailbox Evernote Ifttt

The Secret Weapon To understand why you would want to use this little Lifehack, I need to introduce you to The Secret Weapon: A No BS Approach to Productivity. It combines Evernote with David Allen’s Getting Things Done method. The best method for productivity is to make everything simple and unified. The less you have to do, the better. With the Secret Weapon, you bring emails and more into an inbox for your brain to dump all thoughts, and the Secret Weapon is setup for you to sort all of those thoughts, ideas, tasks, and more into a single platform....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 534 words · Vance Hewitt

Put An Office In Your Pocket

Here’s what you need to do: Buy a thumb drive. Or “pen drive” or “USB stick” or whatever you call it. You can also use one of those portable USB or firewire drives, though they’re more expensive and not quite as pocketable. Look for drives that are certified USB 2.0 (or “high speed”) with at least 2 GB of memory (they’re so cheap these days there’s no reason to buy smaller unless your budget is very tight)....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 1014 words · Robert Metcalf

Put The I Back In Privacy Using The Popular Cloak App

We’ve all been there. By the time you make eye contact, it’s too late. You’re forced to make small talk, which can easily make you late for work or ruin your already hectic day. What if there was an app that can help you avoid people you don’t want to see? Cloak is an iOS app that does just that. It starts by scraping one’s social media accounts for people’s basic info and check-ins....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 146 words · Linda Sanders

Put Your Kids To Work

Buy a cheap digital camera before going on vacation and give them a list of things to photograph on the trip (if they’re young, give them a list of drawings or photos to try and match). Give your children jobs at events you attend, be that to help people find their seats at a big wedding reception, or keeping fresh napkins on the table. On the road, tell your kids which exit you’re looking for....

January 19, 2023 · 2 min · 229 words · Shawn Fish

Re Read A Book In Less Than 15 Minutes

As a bonus, Stefanos also includes an example of a book mindmap, Guy Kawasaki’s The Art of the Start, in the post. If you’ve read the book, you can test immediately if the mindmap helps you. Re-read a book in less than 15 minutes – []

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 46 words · Patrick Salas

Reduce Bloating With A Healthy Diet

So today you will learn how to reduce bloating by implementing dietary changes. Credits to Michelle Phan

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 17 words · Florence Dale

Research Finds Emotional Abuse Is As Destructive As Physical Abuse To Children

Recent research demonstrates that emotional maltreatment destroys a child as thoroughly as physical harm.Utilizing data from a previous study, David Vachon concluded that “although some people assume physical abuse is more harmful than other types of abuse, we found that they are associated with similar consequences.” A pair of doctors at the University of Minnesota and the University of Rochester validated the study, finding, through working at a summer camp for low-income families, that different types of abuse share “equivalent, broad, and universal effects....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 1051 words · Tom Woods

Resume Etiquette Do S Don Ts For A Modern Resume

That said, how do you build a resume that will attract recruiters’ eyes? What info should you include? Where should you position everything? For example—will you position your past job experiences at the top portion of your resume, or will you deposit it in the middle? Maybe putting it way below is a wiser alternative? These are some of the delicate considerations you have to take creating your resume. For the rest of the significant data you must check, take a look at Template....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 102 words · Thomas Cornelius

Running Away From Your Problems Is A Race You Ll Never Win

I’ve a good amount of experience with goal achievement, having been actively setting goals since 10 years ago. I’ve experienced setbacks and successes in my goal pursuits. Running The Personal Excellence Blog (which is all about how to live in excellence and achieve our highest potential), I often receive reader mail seeking help for situations they are stuck in. I work with clients who are not getting results in life and want to turn things around....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 97 words · Jessica French

Samsung Invents A Screen On The Back Of Trucks To Show The Road Ahead

You are living in a world where a watch is a computer and a table is an air conditioner. Samsung is the next company to have overlap in the invention arena. The compay’s newest invention is a television set. Nothing unusual for Samsung, a company known for its electronics, right? Guess again. Samsung’s newest television is the back wall of a truck. We’re not talking a stationary truck either. You don’t sit stagnant in your car and watch the back of the truck like you’re in a drive-in movie....

January 19, 2023 · 2 min · 403 words · Carrie Lockett

Save Time By Not Buying In To Common Tech Myths

To avoid wasting your time and potentially damaging your system by running unnecessary procedures, educate yourself on what myths to avoid. For example, many users commonly delete their browser’s cache thinking it will speed their computer up by removing unnecessary bloat, but all they’re doing is slowing down their browser. Other users regularly waste time defragmenting their hard drive not knowing their OS is doing it for them in the background....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 151 words · Lisa Durant

Science Says This Hack Can Help You Stop Smoking Weed

This simple technique was first used to teach people how to manage their money more effectively, but inadvertently helped reduce drinking, consumption of of junk food, save and earn more money, and improve work and academic performance. It’s so effective that I instructed all of my clients and even close friends who are trying to stop smoking weed to use this technique. Almost all of them informed me how they were either able to completely stop smoking for weed within a month or two or they were able to effortlessly decrease the amount of weed that they were smoking....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 585 words · Steven Cantu

Scientists Explain Why Some People Are Left Handed

Can Left-Handedness Be Predicted? Some say left-handedness can be predicted by the position of the child in the womb, but there are many times when this prediction model breaks down. In fact, the predictive model used is only marginally better than guessing, which suggests the position in the womb is only a possible indicator or stimulating factor and is not actually a predominant factor in what makes a person left- or right-handed....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 755 words · Lori Gomer