How To Manage A Multigenerational Workforce 11 Tips

But, in many cases, it’s easier said than done especially when managing a multigenerational workforce. After all, it’s not simply about adopting new forms of modern technology; it’s about understanding and accommodating your team’s different motivations, expectations, and working styles. This article aims to give you the confidence you need to lead all ages on your team. Here are 11 tips to help you manage your multigenerational workforce 11 Tips for Managing a Multigenerational Workforce Like any other management, you have to start with the basics....

January 21, 2023 · 9 min · 1864 words · Jacqui Williams

How To Motivate Your Employees Productivity

Great leaders do just that. Motivating someone is more than just pushing them – here are 10 tips on how to do just that. 1. LOVE What You Love When I was crashing a wedding a few years ago, one of the bridesmaids’ sisters complimented my energy for dancing. “I’ve never seen someone so enthusiastic at these things,” she said. The obsessive love you feel for what you’re doing, when it transcends the mundane reason of being only for the paycheck… Is more apparent than you realise....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1174 words · Stephanie Curry

How To Not Forget Things Easily With These 5 Simple Ways

I was with my solicitor one day and he asked me for the date I got married. I sat for a minute and then took off my wedding ring to check inside for the date. He was dumbfounded; he said he had never before met a woman who didn’t know her wedding date. Well, there is a first time for everything. For this reason, it has been essential for me to come up with ways to remember–to remember dates, remember to do things, remember to pick up my kids from school or anything else that I may need to remember:...

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 641 words · Richard Bird

How To Overcome Anxious Thoughts

Ready? Go ahead and fill in the blanks. How’d it go? “At the drop of a _______.” “I wouldn’t be caught _______ wearing that suit” “He hit the nail on its _______.” “Stop crying over spilt _______.” Now I have a few questions for you. Why did you think of the words “bush,” “hat,” “dead,” “head,” and “milk”? And more importantly, why did it take you less than a second to remember them?...

January 21, 2023 · 11 min · 2133 words · Rebekah Wilson

How To Overcome Self Imposed Limitations For Goal Setting

For many of us goal setting can bring up a sense of anxiety which usually comes down to our limiting beliefs. These manifest as thoughts around our lack of ability, our current situation, expectations from others and comparing ourselves with other people’s lives. All of these results in us setting goals that may not be inlined with what we truly want and our motivations are not focused on our inner growth and development....

January 21, 2023 · 7 min · 1289 words · Dawn Smith

How To Plate Your Food Like A Top Chef

Featured photo credit: Dan Cooper, Stokpic via

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 8 words · Cathy Tan

How To Purify The Air In Your Home

Yet achieving air purity is not a simple task. Cleaning the air in older homes seems like a never-ending chore — and even new homes can have air quality problems. Here are eight tips for purifying the air in your home. 1. Get your ducts cleaned. If your home uses forced air cooling and/or heating, the ducts should be cleaned at least once every year. Mold, pollen, dust, and debris build up over time, and unfortunately there’s no DIY way to get it out....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 587 words · Benjamin Turner

How To Really Hear Rather Than Simply Listen

The skill of active listening can build relationships by fostering strong bonds and communication. Active listening isn’t just setting aside a few minutes to allow someone else the chance to talk. It is about being willing to remain receptive to whatever the other person wants to say, and accepting their perspective without judgement. A few tips for active listening are as follows: 1. Make good use of body language. Lean forward, maintain eye contact with your conversation partner, do not fidget, and do not glance over to other people in the room....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 577 words · Susan Wood

How To Recognize The Most Common Types Of Mental Illness

Either way, no matter what the diagnosis might have been at the time, you didn’t feel well, and therefore, you probably took some form of action to help alleviate the symptoms so that you could feel better, perhaps some medicine, followed up with maybe a little chicken noodle soup, a glass of orange juice, and some bed rest. Nevertheless, when it comes to seeking treatment for symptoms of mental illness, there seems to be a big difference between the way that we look at healing the body and the mind....

January 21, 2023 · 8 min · 1525 words · Stanley Flores

How To Stop Dwelling On The Past And Move On For Good

With that power, we can break away from the past and stop dwelling. Dwelling on the past means reading the same chapter over and over again while expecting the ending to change. It’s reopening wounds and allowing opportunities for self-sabotage. Dwelling on the past is the biggest roadblock from moving forward, and life will move forward whether you’re on board with it or not. No matter what we do, time will continue to tick, and days will begin to pass....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1073 words · Lynn Cline

How To Stop Intrusive Thoughts From Eating You Alive

The brain processes so much information that it is not uncommon for us to experience random thoughts, or intrusive thoughts, unrelated to any of our values. Most people experience intrusive thoughts without any significant consequences. But for a few people, intrusive thoughts are more severe and can make it difficult to function normally day to day. Here we’re going to examine the nature of intrusive thoughts, and then discuss how to stop intrusive thoughts when they are causing problems....

January 21, 2023 · 8 min · 1518 words · Jesus Mcgowan

How To Stop Racing Thoughts When Your Mind Won T Let Up

My Auntie Winn could think about 30 conversations at the same time and expect you to jump from discussing world politics to the qualities of a good rock cake in less time than it took to the boil the kettle. Apparently, I do that to my husband too, I can often hear him saying “I know you think we’ve had this conversation today, however I’ve a feeling you’re giving me an answer to a conversation we had last Thursday in the hot tub!...

January 21, 2023 · 10 min · 1952 words · Raymond Linch

How To Teach Your Children Mind Mapping

Most people know about mind-mapping already. Do you use it yourself as well? I am sure most people use or have used the technique in one form or the other. The reason it works so well is because it makes use of both sides of your brain, taking the slightly more analytical left side and using words and relationships. It also benefits from the slightly more creative or colourful right side, using images and colours....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 933 words · Dominic Deltoro

How To Think And Act To Realize Your Dreams

That’s not to say the life you have now isn’t making you happy but should you settle for just okay? Perhaps you went the safe route with your job – after all you have a family to support; you can’t go chasing after frivolous dreams. Your parents wouldn’t support you to start the career that you felt so passionate about so you went and got the safe job that does nothing for you?...

January 21, 2023 · 9 min · 1736 words · Dorothy Oneil

How To Use Comprehension Strategies To Improve Learning

You’d think it’s rather weird at first. Adults all across the world are fully capable of reading anything. We’ve been doing that for decades. But there is a massive difference between reading comprehension amongst children and adults you see. It’s something that hasn’t been explored much in science. You can tell by the number of studies out there discussing kid’s reading abilities rather than adults. This lack in studies though, is a good enough reason to look into what kind of strategies exist for adults....

January 21, 2023 · 9 min · 1727 words · Maria Kirk

How To Use Deadlines

What he’s established are the misuses of deadlines, as well as when to use deadlines for completing projects. Budget Your Time: How to Use Deadlines – [ScottHYoung]

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 27 words · Fred Ayala

How To Use Social Media Profiles To Advance Your Career

That’s why we should claim our name on every social network we may ever want to use. Don’t know How To Use Social Media Profiles To Advance Your Career in the right way? Here are some facts you need to know:

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 41 words · Charles Rose

How To Use The Official Facebook App For Windows 8 1

As reported by Martin Brinkman of Ghacks, the Windows Store has finally gotten the official Facebook app its users have been clamoring for. Once installed through the Store, the app allows you to check your news feed, update your status and chat with friends. The interface is simple to figure out and it provides all of the necessary features you’d expect. The one major issue users may have with this new app is that it doesn’t integrate with the Windows 8 Share charm, which would have made sharing videos, images and links easier....

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 141 words · Elizabeth Green

How To Use Your Moto Q Effeciently

How to Use Your Moto Q Effeciently – [Moto Q] Email: Utilizing the Exchange 2003 Server Active Sync wirelessly and it has been working just great. I have had speed issues with my device when I sync my 2000 plus contacts so beware of this if you are a contact hog like myself…

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 53 words · Earl Rios

How To Write In Plain English

Keep your sentences short Prefer active verbs Use ‘you’ and ‘we’ Choose words appropriate for the reader Don’t be afraid to give instructions Avoid nominalisations Use positive language Use lists where appropriate How to write in plain English – [Plain English Campaign] But in the last few years, many of these offenders have started to put things right, either rewriting their documents clearly or training their staff in the art of plain English or both....

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 160 words · Shelia Robinson