The Plastimake Process

Although I’m sure the science behind it is quite complex, using Plastimake is really quite simple:

Place the Plastimake pellets in boiling water for 1 minute (You can heat it using other sources but boiling it is recommended). Remove the Plastimake blob carefully, and let it cool for 1 minute Pick the Plastimake blob up, and shape it into whatever creation you wish. Place the Plastimake in cool water for 1 minute to allow it time to harden. This process can be repeated indefinitely if you’re unhappy with your creation.

Making Plastic Creations

The uses for Plastimake are endless. You can place the melted plastic into moldings to replace broken or stripped screws, or use a rolling pin and cookie cutters to create various plastic shapes. You can also use acrylic paint or spray paint on your Plastimake creation after it has fully hardened. The Plastimake company also sells coloring kits that can be added to the boiling water as you prepare your plastic creation. You can use a variety of tools to shape your plastic creations as well.

Purchasing Plastimake

Order Plastimake online today! (It’s so popular you’ll have to wait a few weeks to get it). Tthere are a variety of bundle options, including various sized bags and color kits. All of the products are delivered worldwide within 5 weeks of purchase, and come with a 30-day money back guarantee. Featured photo credit: Plastimake Creations/Plastimake via