In the last week, several people asked me what I have been doing for my weight loss journey. They say things like, “I see you eating all the time!”, and, “You look like you’re having so much fun going away on trips and socializing, yet I can see your figure changing! How are you doing this?” They all told me they were struggling to keep to a strict diet, so I thought I would share what I have done in the last couple of years.
First, let me make it clear that I am not a fitness model, nor am I a nutritionist. I am merely an average, every day person that started to find a balance between being able to live life the way I want yet still chase those body goals. Those that knew me before the travel bug hit me, saw that I came back to Australia a much bigger version of “Lilmissmaz”. They also know that since then I lost quite a few dress sizes and have got myself back into the world of fitness again. My progress has been slow and steady. I’ve been back in Australia since August 2013. I have never gone on a crazy, strict diet in that time and I wasn’t a gym junkie. I will admit these days, the gym is my playground and it is the very reason I jump out of bed every morning. I love being there. However, it wasn’t always that way.
The Mindset
The day I decided I wanted to lose weight, I signed up to a 12 week boot camp. Why? Personally, I felt if I was paying for a service and was held accountable, I would turn up. Also, since it was only 12 weeks, it meant I only had to commit for a short period of time. I knew it would at least help kick-start my motivation. If I am expected somewhere, I’m the kind of person that will be there. If I signed up to a gym membership, I knew I wouldn’t go regularly, and after the first week or so I’d get lazy. I knew myself all too well. I went to the boot camps 3 times a week. At first, I realized just how unfit I was. Before I put on the weight, I was actually pretty fit. Just by being aware of how unfit and weak I was made me feel terrible. I used to be able to do a push up, but now I could barely do these squats without my legs collapsing. I had to stop my mind from telling me how out of shape I was and instead use it as motivation to get fit again. Yup, that’s it guys, first thing is mindset. Change the way you think. Instead of thinking of what you can’t do something and highlighting how chubby you are, and thinking you will never look like that fit guy or girl you are secretly jealous of, think of what you could be like. Think of how you will be stronger and how you will look good at the beach. As cliche as it seems, positive thinking can take you a long way.
What To Eat
Next up, I switched a few things in my diet. I didn’t want to eat chicken and broccoli or asparagus every day because I love food way too much to be able to stick to this. I made a few small changes. I changed white bread to rye, wholemeal, or anything that was a healthier equivalent. Instead of giving up on pasta (mind you I love pasta), I switched to pasta made from vegetables. There are various brands out there that actually taste pretty darn good. I personally prefer it over the real pasta. I feel it tastes better and also keeps me fuller for longer. I also use coconut oil for cooking and lemon for dressing. Furthermore, I ate 5-6 times a day to keep my metabolism running. Every time people saw me I was always eating! I didn’t want my body to go into starvation mode. I would bring my lunch to work. This not only saved me money, but also prevented me from overeating as the portion was already made out. I ate food that everyone would envy. Just ask any one that I have worked or lived with. It looks good, it smells good, and it definitely tastes good. I like food with flavor and I like variety. I like to enjoy my meals and not feel like I am on a diet. I don’t diet, I just make healthier choices 80% of the time.
It’s A Journey, Not A Race
Some people are great at diets and self control. I just happen to know that I am not one of those people. I feel if I was to go on a strict diet, I would lose weight fast and then pack it back on as quickly as I lost it. When it comes to exercise, you don’t have to go all out. The smallest of changes is still change. Any progress is progress. Instead of that 5 minute drive, walk and take in the fresh air. Instead of that glass or two of wine/beer every night, just keep your drinking to one night a week. Have a few on that night! Life is short! Instead of takeaway every day, keep those meals to once (or twice) a week. It all depends on your current lifestyle.
As long as you do something that is better than what you are doing now, it is still progress. Keep in mind that the more effort you give, the more you will get back. Don’t beat yourself up. Life is too short to hate your body. Keep in mind, even if it is a tiny change, it counts! It is all about moderation.