This month we covered a wide range of topics here at Lifehack (as we do), as well as launched a couple of new initiatives in Lifehack Lessons and Lifehack Quotes. It’s been a busy month here and as we head into the latter half of the year we’ll keep bringing you the great content you expect from Lifehack. Now, let’s check out The Best of Lifehack – July 2012:
10 Bad Habits Worth Losing
It’s a good idea to put together a list of bad habits to remove from your life this year. And the good news is – we still have a few months months to get rid of them! To get you started, here are Zoe B’s top 10 bad habits to lose.
Constantly Feel Good About Yourself Using These 3 Steps
If you feel as if you are currently in a state wherein you need some help on bolstering your feelings of self-worth, here are some ideas from Kara Heissman that you may find helpful:
8 Body Hacks To Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels
In this article, Curt Pedersen provides 8 tips that research shows can help to increase your body’s production of this hormone. Give them a try to help give yourself a natural boost.
3 Hacks to Be a Better You
We should always work to be better people. We have the tools, and they shouldn’t be wasted. How you decide to become a better person is up to you. With that said, if you need a little direction then here are 3 hacks courtesy of Josh Bell help you to be a better you.
Not Losing Weight? Listen Up!
Not losing weight? Here are some simple tips from Justin Miller to get you over the hump – ones you can apply immediately to achieve success. So listen up!
101 Ways to Feel Happy on a Daily Basis/a>
Want to feel happy — or even happier than you are already? Annabel Candy offers 101 ways to feel happy on a daily basis.
How to Optimize Your Daily To-Do List
There is one simple way you can optimize your to-do list, and make sure stuff that needs to get done, gets done. Every item must relate to annual/life goals. Dolly Garland delivers some great tips on how to optimize your daily to-do list so that you keep your items connected to those goals.
10 Ways to Live a More Meaningful Life
How can we live a more meaningful life? The answer is usually complicated, but David Loker suggests 10 ideas for cultivating one in this piece.
How to Really Start a Business (or Why You Don’t Need Money to Make Money)
In this post, Greg Miliates explains how to get past the myths that prevent you from starting a business and discusses how to start a business on the cheap — and change your life in the process.
Why Are You Getting Things Done?
CM Smith, Lifehack’s Associate Editor, asks the big question: Why Are You Getting Things Done? If there are too many mundane tasks on your to-do lists or you feel like you have no direction, then you need to find out why you are getting things done. (Photo credit: Golden Leader of Business Team via Shutterstock)