The holidays are just not the same

When you were little, sharing the excitement of Christmas morning with your sis was something that made it extra special. Whether you had a tradition of helping make breakfast together or wearing matching pajamas, looking back you have many cherished memories from that time. Now when the holidays come around you are not always able to celebrate together and you get an extra wave of nostalgia when you Facetime her during this time. When you are able to spend the holidays together though, you make sure it is extra special by including time-honored family traditions from your childhood.

Visits turn into a serious of inside jokes

When you are reunited with your sister, there is no holding back the endless inside jokes that you share. Significant others and friends joke that you two have your own language and do not even try to understand it. Everything and everyone is fair game for the shared humor that you two have built up over the years. When you are together, your sides often hurt from constant belly laughs, where age-old jokes are always funny.

Serious waves of nostalgia are common

Since you have known each other your entire lives, there are decades of memories to reminisce about. You often like to talk about memorable stories of your shared childhood or dreadful teenage phases with each other, because remembering these times brings you closer when you are physically apart. Unlike your friends throughout your life who have only been present for certain parts of your life, your sister has seen you through the thick and the thin and has always love you unconditionally, no matter what.

You go through different phases of missing each other

There are some days when you miss your sister more than others. A certain song might make you think of her or a specific food might bring up a memory about the time that you both tried to recreate it at home unsuccessfully. There are milestones in your life that you wish she was there to witness, like your housewarming party for your new apartment or being pregnant with your first child. There are also difficult moments in your life when you wish you had your sister by your side to comfort you and say just the right things to make you feel better.

You eat your weight in your favorite comfort foods

One of the best things about being together after a long time apart is that you get to indulge in your favorite foods that you have in common. Whether it was Kraft macaroni and cheese that you both ate growing up or a certain type of cuisine that you both cannot live without, any reunion makes you gain a few pounds and you are perfectly fine with that.

You still bond over family drama

Even through you both are living in separate houses away from mom and dad, you can count on each other to commiserate about any issues that you are having with your parents. Is your mom driving you crazy over a certain issue? Calling your sister and venting to her is a perfect release and will usually allow you to put the situation into perspective. Featured photo credit: Flickr via