Death is unavoidable. Humans are susceptible to all types of diseases, which makes up a large part of deaths around the world. Even after looking at this morbid death graph, there is plenty of hope for human life. Not sure what I mean? Well first, cardiovascular diseases and some forms of cancer can be prevented just by not smoking, eating healthy and exercising on a daily basis. That’s almost half the causes of deaths in the graph! While you may not be able to avoid deadly diseases, having a healthy, working immune system can increase your chances of survival by a lot. When it comes to humanity-related causes, staying healthy can also help you. Steering clear of murder and life-threatening situations can be done if you’re fit, e.g. out-running an attacker and surviving accidents. In the end, it’s all about perception that will get you through your darkest moments. 20th Century Death | Information is beautiful